Serving Canadian inmates, their families and assisting chaplains in prison ministry.
Additional Inmate Services

In addition to our primary ministries of Bible correspondence courses, visitation, and reintegration, we also serve inmates and their families in the following ways:
- Inspirational Calendars
- Study Bibles at a Reduced Price
- Cards, Notes and Letters
- Courses for Families of Inmates
Assisting Chaplains

Prison Chaplains are at the centre of religious life in Canadian prisons. They are the front line labourers who are there to care for the spiritual needs and interests of inmates and counsel and encourage them during the particularly difficult times of prison life. There are several ways that we try to compliment and encourage their ministry:
- Free Bibles
- “Getting Started” Packages
- Free Inspiration Calendars
- Special Orders
2024 Calendar
Free inspirational calendar supplied to inmates and chaplains
"Thank you so much for your letter of encouragement. As you can imagine I have a lot of ups and downs in here, but I am not the only one. Unfortunately there is a lot of lost souls that I pray will someday see the light and get to know God. I have a few real good outside Christian brothers and I have bonded and grown very close to them. God put these people, including you, in my life for a purpose and also because God loves me."

Name has been changed to protect confidentiality